The Analogue Man
The Analogue Man wants to see immediate effect from his actions, he likes to withdraw from the virtual world of files, social media, concepts. His complacence lies in the simple actions.

Oil on Cotton
50 cm x 70 dm
Private Collection
Oil on Cotton
50 cm x 70 cm
Private Collection
Oil on Cotton
50 cm x 70 cm
Gratitude is important in life and must be expressed explicitely. This painting is a thank you letter to the specific customer buying this painting
Upon the sale, the name and address of the customer is painted on the canvas, making the customer part of the art work.
At the attention of [Customer name]
[Customer address]
[Customer address]
Wijgmaal, 29/10/2018
Dear [Customer name], I like to thank you for buying my art.
My art is personal and I aim to express my individual sentiment. It always makes me happy to notice that, what I create in the doubt of my studio, appeals to others and also has a kind of universal significance.
Your purchase proofs your appreciation and, I admit, my creative soul is susceptible to this.
By investing in the uncertain future of this art work, you allow me to continue my work as an artist.
Please be aware of this.
Therefore, as an ultimate word of thanks, I connect you till eternity and on an inseparable basis with this work of art.
I hope one day we will end up in a museum.
Your sincerely, [Artist autograph]
Oil on Cotton
50 cm x 70 cm
The Analogue Man wants to see immediate effect from his actions, he likes to withdraw from the virtual world of files, social media, concepts. His complacence lies in the simple actions.